Saturday, July 17, 2004

IA Hall of Fame: Richard Saul Wurman

Richard Saul Wurman is an information architect, visionary and inspiration to those who try to make information more accessible.  The first time I was knowingly  exposed to his genius was in his book, Information Anxiety.  After reading just a few pages, I realized that Wurman was truly on to something.  I also found out that he was the progenitor of the ACCESS Guides, which I had already become enamored of, but had not taken notice of  their founding father.  Through many more Guides, Follow the Yellow Brick Road, Information Anxiety 2, Information ArchitectsUnderstanding USA, and 1000, I enjoyed his unique take on the world and let him be my guide through it. 
Wurman further contributed to the stocks and flows of the world's knowledge by creating and chairing the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conferences, which brought together many of our greatest achievers and intellectuals to share and explore their fields.
Sadly, many of my favorite Wurman books are no longer in print.  But I hear he's now working in the complex field of human health information.  For that I am grateful, and expectant.
I hereby nominate Richard Saul Wurman into the Information Architecture Hall of Fame.